Saturday, August 17, 2013

Arrrrr Mateys!

Rowan has been getting really in to the whole pirate thing lately.  If you ask him what the pirate says, he responds, "Arrr Mateys!".  I think that's where the fascination with maps came from...

We took a family trip to the San Diego Safari Park a few weeks ago.  We've an annual pass, so we actually go pretty often.  It's great to get some walking in, see the animals, and just hang out as a family.

The place, although very beautiful, is really laid out strange.  Every time we visit we need to pick up a map.  Below is a picture that pretty much sums up what Rowan this whole trip.

He was OBSESSED with the map!  He'd very seriously study it and show us just where he wanted to go.  Then he'd look up, scan the area, point and say "This way!".  It was ridiculously adorable.  For about fifteen minutes.

It got me thinking, though.  Maybe he needed a play map a home.  Ooo!  I could make a pirate map out of felt!  Boy, did the wheels did turning.  I churned out a map by the end of the weekend!

I did a bunch of Google image research and came up with me pattern.  I think my favorite thing is the sea monster.  My second favorite is the skull cave :)  The whole thing is made of nice wool felt.  Not the cheap polyester, plastic, whatever the heck it is stuff from the dollar bin at Jo-Ann's.  Then I added some velcro so you can roll the whole thing up.  Just like a real pirate map!

Rowan has taken his to the park and on many walks already.  I love how seriously he looks at it, like he's really deciding just where we need to go.  

Since it's so cute, I thought it would make an awesome addition to my Etsy store!  So here's the first listing for one!  Come and get it!

& keep your eyes open...dino hooded towels will be coming!

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