Monday, February 3, 2014

Living Room Wall Take 3

Ever since we moved in to our house, one of the main walls that has stumped me decorating-wise has been in my living room.

Here it is after the first time we painted it.  The entire house was originally this horrible shade of yellowish beige and I've been on a campaign to get rid of it, room by room.  I love the blue, but that's a lot of blank space that needed to be filled!

My first attempt to decorate was a supposed to be collage of family photos.  However, I couldn't find enough frames that I liked to fill it out and the ones I did have weren't big enough.

Bleh.  Just wasn't working, but I had no idea what else to do.  Then I found this pin on Pinterest:

Lightbulb!  Take away the yellow colors, and they might be on to something here.

First, I started searching for fabric. is one of my favorite sites for browsing fabric.  I could spend hours there!  Then it was off to Home Depot for the shelves.

I'm much happier with this!  It fills the space way more than the picture frames did and I love how the gray ties in with the gray walls of the rest of the room.  I plan on stitching up some embroidered art to put in the medium sized frames.  I'm still looking for just the right pieces, though, and then it's going to take some time to get them finished!  I can live with the pictures of the random family for a bit until then ;)

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